भीड़ के लिए नेताओं ने कराया किन्नरों का डांस, फिर...

RJD today made a unique experiment to make Bihar block a success. Patna district's Manar saw a hallmark in it. Here, RJD workers organized a grand dancer to make the Bihar block organized by the party. Probably this would have been the first time when this kind of unique experiment was used by a party to support the bandh

Bihar Bandh was called on Thursday by the RJD for sand-ballast in Bihar.

- RJD leaders and workers had landed on the road to close Bihar on Thursday morning.

-But, a unique experiment was made to make the bandh a success in Maner different from all this in Maner.

For the first time, Rajad had organized a grand dancing on the road to make the bandh successful.

This kind of dance was arranged in Chintanavam village of Maner.

It is said that the supporters were jumping on the tommels and even looted money on the dancers.
