लोगों के बॉडी पार्ट से निकली ऐसी-ऐसी चीजें, डॉक्टर्स भी चौंक गये

The Consumer Safety Product Commission of America recently made extremely shocking disclosures. In the Commission's 2017 report, there is a mention of strange cases for the Emergency. Most of these cases are such that in the private parts of the people, the surprising things that doctors have carried out through the operation.

 This report includes surveys of several medical centers in the US, in which the cases are revealed. According to doctors, most of the cases of emergency came to women, who had come to complain of being trapped in the private part. Doctors claimed that most of these incidents were caused due to negligence of the people.

Many doctors who conducted the operation told in the interview that such things came out of the body part of the people that their senses also got shaken. It included things like soap to towel and earphones. In some cases it was revealed that people deliberately did such acts due to which they had to reach the hospital.
