इस पब में रोज रात होती हैं अजीबो-गरीब घटनाएं, यकीन नहीं होता तो देखें ये..

A pub of a UK village has suddenly come to attention these days. The main reasons for this are the strange mysterious incidents happening here every night, due to which some related video footage has also been revealed. Looking at this video you will not even believe in your own eyes

Actually, here is something happening every night, whose pub staff has come in panic and horror. As a result, most of the staff has left the job. Even many of them have gone to their boss to advise that leave this pub as soon as possible.

This pub called 'bosses at the tailor killings' is in the historic city of Canterbury, UK. The staff here has such a claim that there is a very strange and poor incident happening in the night for some time now. They are also afraid to work here.

The staff said that whenever there is such an opportunity that they have to stay alone in the pub for a long time, they have seen many mysterious incidents from their eyes here. First of all, they felt like they had passed from them.
