अंतरिक्ष में गूंजती हैं ऐसी भयानक आवाजें, सुनकर चोंक जायेंगे

Have you ever wondered why most airplanes are white? Although you may have seen some colorful airplanes, but their base color is white. There are many reasons behind this.

Actually, the Scientifier Reason is attached to it. To keep the airplane cold, it is given white color. White color keeps heat away from other colors.

You might be surprised to know, painting an airplane costs up to Rs 3 lakh to 1 crore and no company wants to spend so much money in a plane painting. Also it takes 3 to 4 weeks to paint a plane. In such a way the company can suffer a lot. White color is an easy solution for all these troubles.

Any other color gradually becomes light due to standing in the sun, but there is no such problem with white color. That is why companies like to keep airplanes white.
