राफिया नाज के फतवे पर बोले सोनू निगम, 'क्या सुपारी देने का काम कर रहे हैं?

Singer Sonu Nigam has grown to become the subject of discussion for more than his songs nowadays. Now Sonu Nigam has criticized the fatwa issued against Ranchi's involvement in the Rafiya Naaj. In protest of this incident, he has released the video and said that the person giving the fatwa is doing the work of giving goodwill. Yoga should not be linked to religion.

He has appealed to Yoga not to rule the religion, saying that Yoga is far away from religion. Those who have issued a fatwa against the person who has done this good work, he is surprised. Even those who are linking yoga with anti-Muslims, they are surprised too.
