दीवार के पीछे से निकली 24 लाल बाल्टियां, अंदर से देखा तो निकला ये..

So far you have told about many such incidents where people have got hidden treasures behind the walls of their house. But a case was reported last year, after which landlords were arrested. Many red colored buckets were found in the back of the one-sister sister living in Miami. The police immediately arrested them when they opened them.

Last year, Louis and Salma Hernandez, living in Miami, were taken to the police. There were allegations of selling drugs on both. The police reached their house to investigate the case. He did not find any evidence even after the search. But then the police suspected the walls of a room in their house. When that wall was broken, many red buckets came out from the inside. As soon as the police opened the buckets, they were surprised. Only the notes of potholes were hidden inside. These two brothers and sisters had collected and sold the ganja. These buckets received from the Secret Secret Compartment of the house received a total of one billion fifty five thousand rupees.
