ये है रियल लाइफ की 'नागरानी', एक पल में जहरीले सांप बन जाते हैं दोस्त

If any person sees a glimpse of a snake then he runs away, but today we are going to meet you with a girl who has become the best friend of these poisonous snakes. Even people have started calling this girl the name of 'Snake Woman'.

The name of this unique girl, making her friends a snake, is Vanitha Borhade. It is a resident of Buldhana of Maharashtra and has caught hundreds of snakes so far.

The interesting thing is that whenever the snake is poisonous, it can be seen only when it comes to him. Even Vanitha can see that the snake is poisonous or not.

The villagers have such immense belief on Vanitha that whenever they see any snake they call it to catch. It is said that Vanitha is working to catch snakes since the age of 12.

Vanitha is now married, but she continued this work even after marriage. He has also been honored by the government for this work.
