मां को इस हाल में देख रात भर रोता रहा बेटा, फिर..

In Pawan Nagar, on Tuesday afternoon, one of the two snatchers, who had hurriedly injured Priya's ear earrings on one of the two snatches, caught on the 100-foot road after identifying the photographs in Bhaskar and handed over to the police after scattering parade. , While the second snatcher succeeded in escape. Detected snatch has been identified as Jandiala guru resident Ashish Handa alias Bobbi, while his companion is also a money lover of Jandiala Guru.

Dainik Bhaskar had published the news of the incident that took place with Priya in his October 26 issue prominently. The photographs of both snatchers were also published in the CCTV footage, after seeing the people identified the accused.

According to the information, 75-year-old Kashmiri Kashmir, 75 feet in Azad Nagar, went from his work outside his home. Only then the eyes of these accused fell on him.

- They wanted to catch the ear earrings of 75-year-old Kashmiri Kashmiri resident of Azad Nagar. For this, when they swooped their bags, the people snatched Babby from behind, while the money ran away.

- Ashish and Mani began to revolve around the bike, but in the meantime some people who were living there got their eyes on it and they became alarmed. As soon as he kicked the earrings of Kashmir Kaur, people kicked his bike. Meanwhile, the money ran away from there, but the assault motorcycle and the assault went up. After this, Ashish gave a lot of information about the Chhatarra Parade and to the police.
