चंद्रमा पर बच्चे पैदा करने की चाहत पूरी करेगा ये बैंक, जानिए कैसे

Everyday new discoveries in the science world are continued. This time scientists have discovered such that you will be surprised even by knowing about it. Living on the earth has already remained so that there is a plan to settle the house at the moon.

Yes, now on the Moon, even the human sperm can be stored and its generation can be moved forward. Japan's scientists have created a healthy mouse with freeze-dry sperm stored in the atmosphere of space.

After this successful experiment, it is said that it is possible to use sperm by moving away from the Earth. Keeping yourself alive in space is not easy. The radiation on the International Space Station (ISS) is 100 times more than the Earth. The freeze of the rat was stored on dry sperm sample space station for nine months, later it was placed in a special temperature on earth.
