अब ऐसे दिखने लगे हैं उदय चोपड़ा, 4 साल से नहीं आई कोई भी फिल्म

Team India's star balloonist Bhubaneswar Kumar recently shared a photo on his Instagram account, in which he is sitting in a cafe with a girl. In this caption written with this photo, she has described the girl as her Better Half. Let me tell you that Bhuvi had promised to share the full photo soon after sharing half of this photo a few months ago. After sharing the photo, Bhuvi started getting the congratulations.

While fulfilling his promise, Bhuvneshwar has now shared the entire photo and has shown his future wife to everyone. His name is Nupur Nagar.

Apart from the name of Nupur Nagar, Bhuiyan has not provided any information at this time. But after Confirmation of Bhuiyan, it is confirmed that he is the only Bhuiwi Wife.
