इस देश ने रेगिस्तान को बना दिया हरा-भरा मैदान, देखकर दंग है पूरी दुनिया

Kabuki Desert, which falls in the interior of Mongolia, is the 7th largest desert in China. Before 1988, due to the lack of natural resources, more than 7 lakh people living here were forced to live in poverty.

- We had to face a sandstorm in Beijing, about 800 kilometers away from the dusty slopes of the desert.

However, since the arrival of Chinese company 'Elion Resources' in 1988, the situation here began to change.

To make the waste land deserted, the company, together with the government and local people, started planting special plants here. In many places, hotel and tourist attorneys were also created.

- With the steps taken to save the environment, the conditions of the desert have largely changed. Poverty is also on the verge of collapse with the arrival of hotel and tourism business.

Kubuki Desert is the world's largest 'single stage' solar farm right now. There are about 6 lakh 50 thousand solar panels fit on this farm which are giving thousands of megawatt power to China.

- Local people have also got a job because of so many development in the desert. Since the arrival of the hotel, tourism and the solar industry, Kabuki's people have made a lot of progress.

- A world class resort is being built in this desert soon for tourists. Recently, China has received praise for the whole world.
