मस्जिद के नीचे से मिला कुछ ऐसा की, आपके उड़ा देगा होश

मस्जिद के नीचे से मिला कुछ ऐसा की, आपके उड़ा देगा होश

           The 18th century bastion and intelligence are all a matter of discussion during the ongoing excavation for the expansion of mosque in the old Kachhar complex in Ratlam. According to the Department of Archeology, the basements are made of Maratha Kala.

On Thursday, ADM Kailash Bundela reached for inspection and said that after thorough testing it would be clear what was there and what was made for it.

The basement and the intelligence way

- Excavation for the expansion of the mosque in the old Kachher campus in the Raugladi area. After about 18 feet excavation, the workers found a way out of old bricks beneath the ground. Seeing this, the workers informed the immediate contractor and committee people.

After this, the police and administration were also informed about it. When the administration was under the supervision of a little more digging, then the inside view was worth seeing. There are two huge basements made of brick and lime found here.

Two hideouts were seen in one corner of both the towers. But they can not go ahead with soil moisture. During this time there was a crowd of people there. Seeing the crowd coming down to the basement, the administration stopped construction work and asked the archaeological department to investigate it.
