ब्वॉयज हॉस्टल के अंदर था ऐसा मंजर, देखकर चोंक जायेंगे..

Do you run a boys hostel, or have you rented your house? If so, then take a look at these photos carefully. When cleaning a boy's hostel made in the UK's Notte Street, cleaners cleaned. Owner of Cleanliness Company, Richard Dyer, shares the photos of a hostel on social media, saying that the boys had messed up here

Sharing the photos, Mr. Dyer said that the boys living here had not cleaned the house for a whole year, somewhere inverted, somewhere rotting food, foamy utensils, and so on all the bottles of alcoholic bottles were shocking . It was also difficult to stand here from the bedroom to the bathroom.

- Dyer further said that not only this hostel is such a thing, but most of the homes given to boys are such a situation and they have to go through such situations every time.
