खाली मैदान में महिला को दिखी सफेद रंग की चीज, फिर अंदर से निकला...

खाली मैदान में महिला को दिखी सफेद रंग की चीज, फिर अंदर से निकला...

           In a village in Central Scotland, the woman had a large white color in the field. There were some bushes in the field. He was amazed to see a white colored circle around him. He went to see and saw his smell, but at first he did not recognize it. Later, when that thing was identified, the woman and her kellies laughed very well. This is the case ...

- The village of Polmort in the Falkirk County of Central Scotland. This case of this village is a little old, but it is strange that it is strange. Perhaps such a big thing has not been seen in India.

- Actually, a ranger called Fiona Whistart was patrolling the car under his duty. The job of the ranger is to keep the environment safe in the area.

-Suddenly he saw a huge white sphere in the roadside edge. Fiona was astonished by seeing this shell from the distance as seen in the snow.

-He went and passed and looked, he was a padded, gusguuji-thing. He found his smell well-known. Fiona looked carefully, so he understood that he was a mushroom.

This was the same mushroom, which we know by names such as Khumbi, Chhota, and Pokurmuta, and some species of which are also eaten by big conscience. Mushrooms are usually smaller and sold off in packets.

The mushroom found near the Roger Fiona was about 11 kg in weight and 59 inches diameter. It was so big that Fiona picked it up, but she alone could not bring her to her car. For this, he had to get the help of one of his colleagues.
