रात 2 बजे पत्नी के कमरे में घुस बंद की दरवाजे की कुंडी, फिर...

On Sunday night, her husband was murdered by a knife on her marriage by sleeping in a house situated near Tajpur Road near Dairy. On receiving the information, the police and the FSL team reached the spot and collected evidence from the incident. Please tell that the accused husband was seen going to the women's room at 2 am.

Trainees Deputy Superintendent of Police Anjali said that Priyanka Jangir (25) Amargaor (Supotara) was married to Madan Mohan Jangid resident of Masawata (Sapotra) on January 30, 2015.

For six months, Priyanka was staying at her Jeth Ramesh Jangir house in Tajpur Road.

- Maluika Meena, a woman who lives in the house, said that Priyanka was sleeping in the room on Sunday and she was sleeping in the verandah outside.

- At around two o'clock in the night, Priyanka's husband Madan Mohan came to the house with stairs from the ceiling and entered Priyanka's room and took the latch.

After this, the voice of shouting Priyanka once came and Madan Mohan left the road after a few minutes. When Mulaki saw in the room, Priyanka was a stranger.
