चीन में यूं जान जोखिम में डाल काम करते हैं वेंडिंग वर्कर्स, पहनते हैं पेपर मास्क

चीन में यूं जान जोखिम में डाल काम करते हैं वेंडिंग वर्कर्स, पहनते हैं पेपर मास्क

         Though relations with India's neighboring country China may not be very sweet, but the sales of those products are very good here.

Although China is infamous for its cheap quality, these days, on the social sites, the pictures of the welding masks are getting viral, they have crossed all limits. Use of masks made from paper ...

People have shared these pictures in many personal blogs, including pinterest. A tourist visited China to see a worker working welding in a workshop. But as soon as his eyes fell on the worker's mask, he was surprised. 

The spark in this dangerous task is quite fatal for the eyes. But the owner of the shop had nothing to do with it. In a name, he gave his workers a glass of paper to wear glasses and wear them.
