जहां बिना बुर्के के घूमने पर मिलती थी सजा, वहा पे लडकियों करती हे ये..

जहां बिना बुर्के के घूमने पर मिलती थी सजा, वहा पे लडकियों करती हे ये..

              Sharia law is run in Muslim country Iraq, in which women can not go outside without a burqa. But there is a section in this country, where women drink from modern clothes to alcohol and cigarettes. Posting photos of the daughters of Iraq's wealthy houses on Instagram, it is difficult to believe that women are kept under pressure in this country. Ayesha ki ho hati hobhi ...

A survey in Iraq also revealed that 19 percent of women in Iraq are struggling with mental problems. At the same time, some NGOs were also started in 2003 such as 'Organization for Women's Freedom in Iraq', whose job was to empower women. But in this country, girls from rich families are living their life freely. 

While the backward class women have to struggle due to religious and communal matters, the daughters of the rich family can be seen crossing the expensive trains and crossing the sari limits of Ayyashish. It is difficult to believe that the pictures of these girls on an instagram called account richkidsofiraq, that they are living in a country like Iraq, where many women are not punished. In addition to the ashes on the holidays, these women who are updated from the fashion world are worth seeing.
