पैर छूकर बोला था- मां मेरा इंतजार मत करना और आई ये खबर

पैर छूकर बोला था- मां मेरा इंतजार मत करना और आई ये खबर

               There is no trace of Abhishek, who is yet to be found in the Ganges river in Ganga river on Monday. On the other hand, the mother is absent from not meeting the son's body. By not getting body till late in the evening, since 6 o'clock on Tuesday morning, the family members were looking for him.

Abhishek is the smallest in his house. She is a 9th class student. Aditya is his elder brother. Father's death has happened 3 years ago. Mother was raising children by putting a small shop outside the house.

- Aunt said, "She has never gone to Baba Anandeshwar with alone or with friends. But on 4th of Monday there were four friends ready to say Someone went away with friends talking to her mother at home. But then she came back and touched her mother's feet and said, "I am going, do not wait for me, I will come back."
