कूड़े की ढेर से आ रही आवाज, पास जाकर लोगों ने देखा तो खुली रह गई आंखें

कूड़े की ढेर से आ रही आवाज, पास जाकर लोगों ने देखा तो खुली रह गई आंखें

            A heart -breaking case has surfaced in Indonesia's West Java. In a village here, people were heard crying from a lot of garbage, when they were seen and passed, the newborn was buried there. This is the whole case ...

On Sunday, a man was passing next to the septic tank (turned into a ruins) located outside the village. Then she heard the voice of a child crying. When he went near and saw a newborn in between the wood, the soil and the bushes. He immediately informed the villagers and the crowd gathered there watching. Local people said that seeing it seemed like it was premature.

 Not only was there any garment on his body. He had a head injury and his cord was also lying beside him. People immediately admitted the child to the hospital and also informed the police. 

At the same time, after receiving the information, the police team reached the spot thoroughly investigated the ruins, but they did not do anything. It is being speculated that after seeing the empty place someone would throw this child here. 

Senior police officer Fazruddin Arif said that we have not got any clue yet in this matter and at the moment we are constantly trying to find the child's parents and relatives. Fazruddin said that we will also do DNA test of the child so that we can get help in finding his parents. 

At present, the child is recruited in the hospital and the doctor is continuously engaged in supervision. Doctors say that he will recover completely soon.
