ये लडको ने करदी सारी हद पार,लेकिन सच्चाई आपको रुला देंगी

ये लडको ने करदी सारी हद पार,लेकिन सच्चाई आपको रुला देंगी

             International Desk Syria has been suffering from panic for nearly 5 years. Due to terror of IS, millions of people have left the country and other countries have fled.

However, in spite of this, their problems have not diminished. These Refugees are being tortured. A similar case has now emerged in Turkey after Lebanon

 A recent video has become viral in social media. The video belongs to the Haute Border in Turkey.

- There are thousands of refugees in Syrian Refugee shelter, whose responsibility is to protect the Turkish army.

- The video shows that the soldiers of the Turkish army force three youths from Syria to wear women's underarm garments.

After this, the young men spit on them and beat them with shoes and belts.

- Let the EU pay 6 billion pounds (about 4.5 billion rupees) to give shelter to the refugees of Syria and Iraq.

- This amount is to arrange accommodation and food for Refugee. But, after coming to the front of this video, Turkey has come under the government questions.
