भीतर से ऐसा दिखता है किशोर कुमार का ये घर, यहीं जन्में यहीं से उठी थी अर्थी

भीतर से ऐसा दिखता है किशोर कुमार का ये घर, यहीं जन्में यहीं से उठी थी अर्थी

            88th anniversary of Harendramoula Kishore Kumar will be celebrated with pomp on Friday. Adolescent juveniles will be provided with milk and jalebi at the site of Kishore Da at Indore Road in Khandwa.

Ganguly Residence is hundred years old. Kishore Kumar's father, Kikilal Ganguly, made it with a great saving. This house is in the main commercial area of ​​the city Bombay Market. There are 11 shops in the premises.

 This paternal house of Kishore Da, built in 7600 square feet, is now in the name of Arjun Kumar, son of his brother Anup Kumar, but due to Anoop Kumar's Mali condition, the brothers have also given their share of houses.

On August 4, 1929, Kishore Kumar was born in a room in this house. Kishore Kumar used to come here with film friends twice a year. He had also left Mumbai and prepared to come to this house forever, but he died before that.

According to the last wish written in the will, his body was brought to this house before the last rites. At present the house is completely ruined.
