भूल से भी ना जाएं भारत के इस हिस्से में, अगर गए तो वापस नहीं लोटोन्गे

भूल से भी ना जाएं भारत के इस हिस्से में, अगर गए तो वापस नहीं लोटोन्गे

           In today's Modern Life, there are some people who have no electricity, neither roads nor internet. Even they have no connection with any civilization. Sentinel Island coming to the jurisdiction of India is one such place.

There is nothing to do with the modern human civilization of Saintinalis tribe living here. Many times an attempt was made to link it to modern society, but the people of this tribe are so aggressive that they do not let anyone come to them.

In some cases, a few people tried to reach them, these people killed them. A part-time prisoner accidentally reached this island and killed him too. In 1981, a stray boat reached near this island. His members said that some people were standing beside the edges with arrows and spears. We were fortunate enough that we were able to get out of there.

After the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, the Indian government sent an army helicopter to take the news of this island. But the people here attacked them too. It is clear from the air pictures that these tribes do not farm, because there are still dense jungle in this area.

 This concluded that this tribe is dependent on hunting. Many people believe that this tribe should be made accessible to this tribe. At the same time, some believe that it is OK to give them up on their own.
