दुनिया की नजरों से छिपी हुई एक और दुनिया, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

दुनिया की नजरों से छिपी हुई एक और दुनिया, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

             In 1991 a Vietnamese farmer had discovered a cave present in the phone Ha-Ka Bagh National Park, which no one had seen till then. Today this cave is known as Hung Sond. It is also called the world's largest cave. Find it once, then the forgotten way ...

It is said that the name of this person was Ho Khaan. In search of food and timber, he was wandering in the National Park for several weeks. Suddenly he saw a cave in the park and went inside it. As soon as he reached in, he heard the voice of the river. Even the voice of strong wind in the cave was coming. He was scared and returned from there. After that he forgot that cave and also the place.
