डॉगी के साथ खेलता दिखा श्वेता तिवारी का 9 महीने का बेटा

डॉगी के साथ खेलता दिखा श्वेता तिवारी का 9 महीने का बेटा

           Popular actress Shweta Tiwari TV has recently changed their 9-month-old son share them on social media Riansh in. In this photo Ryan has been playing with Dogi. In the dress of red and yellow colors, Riyash looks very cute. Let me tell you that Riyesh was born on November 27, 2016.

Rishish, Shweta and her second husband are Abhinav Kohli's daughter. Earlier, Shweta was married to Raja Chaudhary, that wink he has a daughter. Blink also has good bonding with his brother Riyish. They take special care of Riysh. Shweta also shares some photos of Riyish and Palak on Instagram
