इसी जगह पर रचा गया था चक्रव्यूह, 7 महारथियों ने घेरकर मारा था अभिमन्यु

इसी जगह पर रचा गया था चक्रव्यूह, 7 महारथियों ने घेरकर मारा था अभिमन्यु

            Currently, Kurukshetra has been declared a religious city. In Kurukshetra, the Mahabharata war had taken place, in which millions of people were killed. Here the evidence of Mahabharata war is scattered everywhere. Amin is one of those places. It is said about this that here Dronacharya created the Chakravyuhah, in which Arjun's son Abhimanyu received Veergati.

- Amin is the Mahabharata town, which is presently on the 8-km Delhi-Ambala railway line from Thaneswar.

It is said that during the Mahabharata war, Guru Dronacharya composed Chakravyuh with this Amin Nagar.

Abhimanyu received Veergati here only after breaking this maze.

- A detailed description is found on page 714-717 of Mahabharata's Drona Parva.
