6 महीने में टूटी दूसरी शादी, वीजा भी हुआ एक्सपायर, अब कर रही ये..

6 महीने में टूटी दूसरी शादी, वीजा भी हुआ एक्सपायर, अब कर रही ये..

          Big Boss-9 '(2015) Contestant Modesty is working as a teacher with an NGO this time. They teach poor children from Friday to Friday math and English. In fact, the reason behind doing this work of iran living in Iran is to be exposed to their visas somewhere.Expared work permit ...

- In 2015, for the movie 'Roy' and 'Big Boss-9', I came to India for a long time.

In the meantime, he also worked in another film 'Kya Kool Hain-3' in 2016. However now they have no work.

Meanwhile, his work permit (India) is also over. Perhaps this is the reason why they are working with the NGO these days.
