आर्म्स एक्ट केस में जोधपुर कोर्ट में 3 मिनट में बेल बॉन्ड भरकर निकले सलमान

आर्म्स एक्ट केस में जोधपुर कोर्ट में 3 मिनट में बेल बॉन्ड भरकर निकले सलमान

            Salman Khan, who is stranded in the Arms Act case, was present in his Jodhpur court filling his Bell Bond on Friday. In just three minutes, he signed Bail Bond and returned. In this case, the state government has challenged the trial court's decision to acquittal Salman.

Let me tell you that the strike of Judasieri Employees was going on for several days in Rajasthan, which ended on Thursday. Along with this Salman's court had cleared the way for spotlight.

The judge's post in Jodhpur's District Court is vacant, so Salman had to appear in the ADJ court.

- Here Salman fills two Bell bonds of 20-20 thousand. After this he stood in front of the judge for some time. The judge did not ask them anything. After this, Salman went out to talk to his lawyer
