ये क्या है यह जानकर आप भी हैरान रह जाओगे

ये क्या है यह जानकर आप भी हैरान रह जाओगे

          Often such a mysterious creature is found inside or outside the ocean, whose debate often leads to debate.

However, some organisms are sorted out and some are still unresolved. Recently, a three-kilo mysterious creature had appeared on Leo Carrillo Beach in California, whose debate over internet was debated. Once again, a mysterious sea worm was seen near Rock Pulls in San Mato, California, whose identity is confused with Internet users. This is the whole case ...

- This photo has been shared on social site instagram.

- It is said that it is a teaspoon worm. Its scientific name is Urechis unicinctus, also known as Chinese Penis Fish.

On the other hand, after watching this worm after sharing, many users have been confused with its identity. One user commented that this worm is really amazing in appearance. But, before that I never saw such a worm.

- Another Instagram user said that it is molten lava, it should be thrown immediately.

- However, the truth of this mysterious worm is debated
