कंक्रीट की सड़क नहीं ये है हमारी नई दिल्ली, ऐसे ही अद्‌भुत..

कंक्रीट की सड़क नहीं ये है हमारी नई दिल्ली, ऐसे ही अद्‌भुत..

              Photos speak the truth, but sometimes it is very difficult to know this truth. Especially then, when the angle, distance and color of the picture begin to look a little different.

 In such a situation, even though the truth is told, it often does not rely on their eyes. We have brought such a tricky photo for you. To know their reality, you have to see them again and again.

The picture above is the satellite image of New Delhi. This is Santosh Park and Uttara Nagar area. A large number of people of low income groups live in these areas.

This photo Imgur has uploaded a user named Daily Overview. This is a popular account on Instagram, which has more than 5.5 lakh followers. Satellite and drone images of different parts of the world are uploaded on this.

There is a densely populated area where there are small houses, but greenery is less. In many studies, the direct connection between the richness of the area and its openness and the green space has been seen. In this respect, the satellite image conforms to the fact that it is a low-income area area.
