इस अनोखे अंदाज में दुनिया घूम रही है लड़की, लोग कर रहे हैं तारीफ

इस अनोखे अंदाज में दुनिया घूम रही है लड़की, लोग कर रहे हैं तारीफ

              A girl from Philadelphia, America, after completing college graduation decided to go around the world. After that he left alone. Nothing is unique in this.

 Thousands of girls revolve alone. But this story is unique in that story of that girl. She has only one leg. Instead of complaining about this problem, he has used his big counter for his fake foot. Know the whole case ...

On a user photo-story sharing site, Raditude, a user named Devgol has posted photos of his Europe tour. His post has got more than 11 lakh views.

-User Dewgel does not have the right foot. They had a disease of bones from birth. Because of this, at the age of four, his right leg was cut off from the knee.

In spite of this, the enthusiasm of Dewang did not diminish. Rather, despite their disability, they became more funny.

That is the reason why he decided to use the World Tour as a different way, then decided to use his fake foot differently.

-Devagal painted that fake leg in black color of blackboard. Now, in the city they reach, they write pictures of the city on their fake footpath, in a twisted style.

-Davagal's payment is being widely appreciated. Their enthusiasm is being explained as inspirational.

-Filah is currently running Dewang's Europe tour. After this they will go to different countries of the world.
