हनीमून का है ये फोटो, फिर 3 महीने बाद बेडरूम से निकल चीखने लगा पति

हनीमून का है ये फोटो, फिर 3 महीने बाद बेडरूम से निकल चीखने लगा पति

                 Bhopal.Rajaji Bhopal, a sensational case has emerged in Jahangirabad area. Here a husband murdered his wife after three months of marriage. The husband hiding his crime kept misguiding the police, but after all, his actions came out.

The 25-year-old Amreen Khan, resident of Ahata Kallah Shah, was married just three months before Imran Khan of Jahangirabad. After marriage, both of the honeymoon went on.

- In the last one month Imran stayed in the in-laws house. Since marriage, Imran started harassing Amrin. He used to beat him on the day he came.

- On Tuesday, Imran's family came home to meet Eid. Everyone ate food. After the night everyone went to sleep.

- At the time of fasting prayer at the time of fasting, Imran came out of the bedroom and started shouting - screaming. Everyone told that something has happened to the Amrin.

- There were nails on his neck. The police reached the spot as soon as the information was received.
