30 मिनट तक अठखेलियां करता दिखा सांप का जोड़ा

30 मिनट तक अठखेलियां करता दिखा सांप का जोड़ा

               In the Mohanpur village of Bahargonda police station area, there was a sound of rubbing the leaves in the bush suddenly during the drizzle on Sunday. When people looked carefully, they were shocked. Between the bushes, two snakes were lip-dancing from one to another. Actually, both were doing this during the meet.

Seeing the crowd of villagers, there was a crowd of people. For about 30 minutes, the snake pair had an affair with each other and danced. In Savannah, women considered praying of Nag as auspicious and started praying.

Even after mobilizing the mob, the snake's pair danced. For almost half an hour, this sight remained the same. No one has seen them play this snake. After the courtship this pair disappeared automatically.

Let's say that after looking at male and female snakes at the time of union it seems like they are not the same two. As the female moves, the male follows him.

During this action, male and female snakes also rise up to several feet above the earth. Most snakes meet in this season only. The male snakes of each species only make a pair of females in their race with a snake.
