अक्ल और रोमांस से लेकर कार तक, 23 साल में इतनी बदल जाएगी दुनिया

अक्ल और रोमांस से लेकर कार तक, 23 साल में इतनी बदल जाएगी दुनिया

                Recently the British Government has announced that by 2040, the sale of petrol and diesel-powered cars will be discontinued in the country by 2040. This is a major change. Currently, where most cars are running with petroleum energy, only 23 years later they will disappear completely. Clearly, the picture of the world in the near future will be something else.

Every day there are new inventions, with whom the world is changing rapidly and there are also major changes in basic things like sex, food, emotions, communication, transport. The UK's leading newspaper, The Sun, is going to know what the world will be like in 2040, by Hammond and Emily Fairbrain, the leading Futureologist of Europe.

Although this estimate is about the UK, at present, there are an average of 9 women and 11 male partners of men. It is being said that by 2040 their number will be 100 and 200 respectively. 1 out of 10 British will marry Even many people will fall in love with robots.
