अगर आपको लगता है कि दुनिया बहुत बुरी है, तो एक बार देख लें ये ..

अगर आपको लगता है कि दुनिया बहुत बुरी है, तो एक बार देख लें ये ..

            It is true that there is a fierce competition in the world. People want to reach the top of the other's head. They do not make sense to anyone's emotions.

They just have to fulfill their selfish interests. Often such people meet and with every bitter experience they meet, our trust starts lower than humanity. In our heart this idea seems to be certain that the world has become very bad. But wait.

There is goodness in the world too. These are 10 such pictures that will revive your confidence in humanity. First picture of China ... Life is more valuable than victory 

This is a picture of 2010. Zhengkai International Marathon was going on in China. This race is 42.2 kilometers. In the 10th kilometer radius, Kenya's runner, Jacqueline Nietipi Kiplimo, noticed that a Chinese male runner was getting dehydration. He did not have both hands. 

The path of Marathon is deserted. Jqueline thought that the man would not be in trouble. So they ran along with him for the 38th kilometer. Watered him After that - when he felt that he was okay, then Jqueline completed the rest of the race and stayed on the second number.

 Well, if they did not stop for help, then nobody could stop them from winning. But Jacqueline emphasized the life of someone more than the victory. 
