यहां है दुनिया का पहला सेक्स स्कूल, बच्चों को देते हैं लवर बनने की ट्रेनिंग

यहां है दुनिया का पहला सेक्स स्कूल, बच्चों को देते हैं लवर बनने की ट्रेनिंग

            Today on June 15, 1866, the Prussian country of Germany invaded Austria. Let us know that the world's first sex school has been opened in Vienna, Austria.

This school claims that it will teach its students to become better lover. However, you will pay a heavy price to enroll in this school.

Knowing the fees will be rude ... For each session in this school, each student will have to pay 1400 pounds i.e. 1 lakh 15 thousand. Ylwa Maria Thompson, born in Sweden and head of this sex school, says that anyone whose age is over 16 years can apply for recruitment.

 According to him, it will be the first school in the world where students will be taught to become better lover. This practice will focus on more practical than the theory in this school. 

Student students will be kept in the same hostel so that they can practice their homework. 
