'विराट कोहली ने पूछा, कुंबले गया क्या..'

'विराट कोहली ने पूछा, कुंबले गया क्या..'

                India's defeat to Pakistan in the final of the Champions Trophy is to be a week. Gradually people are trying to forget that necklace. But the resignation of coach Anil Kumble has also brought Team India and especially Kohli Virat Kohli into bat.

Social media fiercely criticized Virat Kohli for the resignation of Kumble, right there This picture is made during the ODI match between the West Indies and India when Virat Kohli was peeping through the window inside the dressing room. 

The Twitter public has made different comments about this picture, which are quite fun and Kohli's legs are seen stretching. 
