रमजान में कैसे बीतता है दुनियाभर के मुस्लिमों का दिन, देखें

रमजान में कैसे बीतता है दुनियाभर के मुस्लिमों का दिन,  देखें

               Muslims of the world are going to have a Pakistani month of Ramadan this time. According to the Islamic calendar, Ramadan comes every year in the 9th month. Meanwhile, the Muslims of the whole world live without food and water from morning to evening.

 It is believed that this month is not only a rainstorm of rain and rain, but also gives a message of love, brotherhood and humane to the entire human race. 

According to the Qur'an, in this Pak month, Allah lifts the treasures of Rahmats on their clutches and the hunger and thirst are forgiven by the people who worship God. In this Pak month, the doors of hell are closed and the path of Jannat opens up.

 Today, we are going to show you through photos. What is the day of Muslims all over the world during Ramadan 
