सोफिया ने पति के साथ पोस्ट किया लवमेकिंग वीडियो, इंटीमसी पर बोलीं ये

सोफिया ने पति के साथ पोस्ट किया लवमेकिंग वीडियो, इंटीमसी पर बोलीं ये

              Being a nun, one of the bold actresses to tell her as a 'Mother' and 'Big Boss' Fame Sophia Hyatt is once again in the headlines. Recently, Sofia has posted a video on Instagram, in which she is intimate with husband Vlad Stanescu.

 With this he wrote captions 

- this is my new music video and Song Om Shanti Om He further wrote

 - "Wake up children, you are in heaven. Everyone should know about true love and intimacy. 

- Sophia further wrote - Intimacy is sacred. It is also quite beautiful. Those who think wrong about it, they do not know anything about love and intimacy. They only sign it as sex. According to Sofia, if we understand the connection of intimacy and lovemaking, then rape and sexual violence can be stopped in the world. All things come from Creation and Creation is love.

 - Please tell that Sophia has already posted videos of sex, intimacy and organism in social media. This time he has posted a video of his and Hash band intimacy. 
