जब छाया ने एकदम अलग सीन बना दिया, समझने के लिए देखना होगा दोबारा

जब छाया ने एकदम अलग सीन बना दिया, समझने के लिए देखना होगा दोबारा

               Being shadow means to be identical, to be exact That is why photocopies are called photocopiers in Hindi. But sometimes the shadow becomes so different that somebody else becomes the scene. This happens due to angle From what direction the light is coming from, it depends on how the shadow will be.

 Many times, the shadow begins to give the impression of something else. See these pictures ...

Like-in the picture above, getting the shadow of two friends is shaping the gorilla.

We have brought such pictures to you, in which shadows seem to tell a different story. These photos have been uploaded by different users on photo sharing sites like Imgur, Raidit. They are very liked and shared on social sites.
