बच्ची को कचरे में छोड़ भाग गई मां, फिर जो हुआ उसे कहते हैं किस्मत

बच्ची को कचरे में छोड़ भाग गई मां, फिर जो हुआ उसे कहते हैं किस्मत

            In 2010, the horrific earthquake that struck the Caribbean country Haiti made most people homeless. At that time this country was declared the poorest country. Many NGOs around the world had camped there to help the people of this country.

The same girl was brought to a similar camp where she was 3 months old. The child, who was battling serious illness, left the garbage dump to die. Mother would come to shame on the daughter ...

In January 2014, a woman had reached a woman with a 3-month bribe near Saran Konak of Danita Children's Medical Center. 

The excreta was suffering from a serious illness named Hydrocephalus, which contains a lot of liquid deposits inside the brain. There are only 3% chances to avoid this disease. Sarah started trying out for surgery. 

In fact, doctors in this condition only perform surgery for those children who are expected to survive. The doctors got ready for treatment and 5-month-long surgery was done. But for two months of surgery no one came to pick. The woman who had come to Sarah with her, she came out of her mother, but she was ashamed of the look of the exit. So he did not want to take her home.
