ये हैं सऊदी के 7 सबसे अय्याश राजा, किसी के 105 तो कोई 100 बच्चों का पिता

ये हैं सऊदी के 7 सबसे अय्याश राजा, किसी के 105 तो कोई 100 बच्चों का पिता

               Weddings in Saudi Arabia are considered the easiest way to keep the country united. Indeed, whenever an enemy attacks a king, then he marries the daughter of that state. In this way, cases of being attacked within the country are greatly reduced. But due to this manner of peace in the country, many marriages happen to the king and then many of them become children too.

At the top of the list are these ... Saudi King King of Saudi Arabia had 115 children of Al-Saad. He died in 2015. There were no exact figures of how many of these were women. The reason for this is that due to their colorful nature, they used to reach hearts of many women. 

Well, there were 115 children in total, but many of them never got any kind of monarchy facilities. Very few children were given the place in the Raj Darbar. 
